Mozilla Related Blogs with last update dates are now available here.
The page lists Mozilla related blogs and their last modification date. This way you dont have to visit all of the blogs to find out if anything has been updated. Just visit the blogupdates page.
It's updated every hour!
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I notice some problem in listing by newer to older, and where is the BLOG from Glazman?
Oh, by the way, IT IS GREAT!
Glazman's blog isn't shown because he doesn't have a RSS feed.
This is cool :)
What could also be quite cool is if you set a cookie when I visit the mozblogs page with the time and date and next time i visit, show the blogs updated after that date in bold (or something like that).
The date/time format is also a little confusing at the moment...
Comment by jsk at June 12, 2003 02:21 PM | PermalinkHeh, I was going to nag Kerz about doing that at some point on mozillazine. This is better though.
Is it posible to sort the list by date, putting the most recent entries first? That'd make it easier to find new items.
Comment by Bradley Baetz at June 12, 2003 04:27 PM | PermalinkI was about to make **exactly** the comment jsk made above. That would be very cool.
Sorry, I have no RSS feed for the moment and no time to make one.
Henrik Gemal (among other stuff known for the great Linky extension) has made a neat list of recently updated Mozilla weblogs. What a coincidence that I created this weblog only two days ago! The timing couldn't have been better. Asa

For Glazblog I got it and Glazman quand tu auras un RSS feed ca sera vraiment super - mais bon comme tu ecris tous les jours dans ton Blog c'est vrai que c'est moins important :-)
There is still a problem with the date computing code apparently - although the order seems correct after a few days the date starts to decrease :-)
franCk comes with a meaningful Last-Modified HTTP header, so you could use that.
As mentioned on Asa’s blog, Henrik Gemal has created a Mozilla Related Blogs page. All the usual Mozilla blogs are
If you're in a hurry and you don't want to follow links (or bookmarks or whatever) to the various Mozilla-peoples'