Sun Java 1.4.2 and Mozilla and Mozilla Firebird
The integration of Java in Mozilla could be greatly improved. I upgraded to version 1.4.2_01 of the Sun Java JRE. After doing so, I just couldn't get Java working. I tried evrything. Uninstall. Reinstall. Cleanup. Everything. Nothing showed up at the Java page on BrowserSpy.
All that Mozilla told me was that I needed the Java plug-in. Weird since the Java plug-in showed up at both about plug-ins and the plug-in page at BrowserSpy. It could be nice if Mozilla could inform me a little better about the actual problem. Not even NSPR logging of the plug-in module told me anything new.
But I finally found the solution on one of MozillaZine's forums:
You have to apply the following registry patch:
Or you can just click here to download the registry fix.
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The unofficial Firebird installer adds lots of handy registry keys.

The problem is on the sun side.
They will only activate the java plugin if you have the checkbox "mozilla 1.1 or higher" in start/systemcontrol/Java plugin
The flash installer also needs this regisrty key to find Mozilla. You can find the npswf32.dll on your hdd but you will not find the flashplayer.xpt file without this key.
(and you need this file for flash scripting support)
Ask on Irc the next time for a fast answer (before you start such a debugging session)
plugindoc mentions this here:
I also faced this issue with Firebird on a fresh WinXP without any previous Mozilla install and the OJI people from Sun wouldn't listen to this, saying to enable JPI in control panel... sure (see
In response to Matti;
I tried activating that checkbox (Mozilla 1.1 or higher) in the Java Plug-in Control Panel, but I got an error message saying that it cant change the browser settings because my Firebird isnt installed correctly and/or I have insufficient permissions to change the settings. I went into the Firebird CP and checked everything that needed to be checked. It still wont let me activate the Mozilla checkbox. X-(
Comment by Ricky at January 11, 2004 04:16 PM | PermalinkPS: to completely sidestep the problem, just download this file provided above:
it works fine now.
Comment by Ricky at January 11, 2004 04:19 PM | Permalink@Ricky:
I thank you VERS VERY VERY much! This WAS the solution for my problem!!! Now, it works fine too!
Koschka, the cat, happy!
Comment by koschka at January 30, 2004 03:22 AM | PermalinkSadly, this reg fix does NOT work for my version of Moz - v1.6
The "plugin.scan.SunJRE" (in about:config) shows v1.4 and all Java plugins are showing fine in both browsers (in about:plugins).
After installing this "reg" patch, the Mozilla version still showing in the Registry is v1.6.
Funnily enough, all Java plugins work absolutely fine in Firefox v0.8!
Comment by maripa at March 19, 2004 05:51 AM | Permalink
I had this problem with Java 1.4.2 and Mozilla Firebird... 2 months ago I think... and I had to wait 2 weeks before a guy in the mozillazine forums published the registry solution.
Comment by Squadron76 at September 8, 2003 11:19 PM | PermalinkYes I agree is not nice that it doesn't work and you can't understand what's wrong!