File structure and branding problems
Just a quick look at the different file structures and file name for the products:
Has all files located under a directory called: MozillaFirebird
So the exe file is MozillaFirebird\MozillaFirebird.exe
Comment: This is a nice naming. No problems here. Branding and naming is good!
Has all files located under a directory called: thunderbird
So the exe file is thunderbird\thunderbird.exe
Comment: Directory and EXE file should be called MozillaThunderbird! Inconsistent with Mozilla Firebird. Bad!
Has all files located under a directory called: bin
So the exe file is bin\mozilla.exe
Comment: Directory and EXE file should be called MozillaSuite or perhaps just Mozilla! Inconsistent with Mozilla Firebird/Thunderbird. Bad!
Has all files located under a directory called: bin
So the exe file is bin\mozilla.exe
Comment: Same problem as in
Has all files located under a directory called: mozilla
So the exe file is mozilla\mozilla.exe
Comment: Why the directory suddenly is called mozilla I dont know. It should use the same name as in
A couple of related bugs:
- File structure problem. thunderbird should be MozillaThunderbird
- rename "bin" dir in zipfile to "mozilla"
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Why do you suggest "MozillaFirebird" instead of "Mozilla Firebird"? Not only is it not the application's real name, it also breaks the general naming convention for folders in C:\Program Files.
Is there a technical reason behind this choice?

If there isn't any technical problems with having a directory called "Mozilla Firebird" it should, correctly, be named "Mozilla Firebird".
Wouldn't it make more sense to have the Suite use Mozilla/Browser, Mozilla/Email, etc...
And have FireBird use Mozilla/FireBird/, and ThunderBird use Mozilla/ThunderBird/?
The benifits of this approach is that everything has a standard directory for installation and the Suite and Birds can live together. Also all they need to do to get everything moved away from Suite would be to replace the /Browser or /Email directory with the appropriate *Bird directory.
Comment by Michael Downey at November 25, 2003 12:29 AM | Permalink
another related bug on the wider issue is bug 213895, which is really something of a blocker for those others.
Thunderbird is generally just Thunderbird - Firebird is only "Mozilla Firebird" because of the database name thing. There's also the point that Firebird still uses a profile folder called Phoenix.
I don't see that there's a lot of point sorting out the folder and file names until they've worked out how the branding is actually going to work, and if Firebird is going to be renamed or not, and if so, to what.
Comment by michaell at November 23, 2003 03:12 PM | Permalink