GoogleOffice / GoogleBrowser / GoogleCalendar / GoogleSomething

Now that Google and Sun has formed an alliance with Sun people are talking about what Google is up to. Actually they have been talking about that for ages. But the alliance adds to all the conspiracy talks about Google.

But it would be very strange if Google wasn't doing anything Gecko related, since they now employ 6 Mozilla/Gecko people including Ben Goodger, Brian Ryner, Darin Fisher, Mike Pinkerton and Ian Hickson. Perhaps we'll see a XUL version of Gmail? Or the most talked about Gbrowser? Or a XUL Gcalendar?

So what's the deal between Sun and Google all about?
Currently this is was they said:
The two companies announced simply that they would collaborate on work on Sun's, Java and OpenSolaris, and Google's Toolbar. Sun will, in the immediate future, make Google's toolbar a standard part of the package when users download Sun's Java Runtime Environment from the server seller's Web site.

There's plenty to read about the new alliance:
- Google and Sun deal: That's it?
- GoogleOffice: A Microsoft Office killer?
- Google-Sun pact brainchild of Sun engineer
- The Google Office I'd Go For
- Domains Registered to Google Inc.

October 05, 2005 12:00 PM | Posted in Mozilla


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I thought Ian Hickson worked for Opera?! When has this changed?

Comment by Nikolai at October 5, 2005 02:32 PM | Permalink

I think it was announced a couple of days ago.

Site icon Comment by Robin at October 5, 2005 02:59 PM | Permalink

Also see

Comment by Vidar Braut Haarr at October 5, 2005 05:16 PM | Permalink

I can virtually see how it makes Balmer go up the wall... ehm I mean throw around chairs - not knowing what the heck Google is on about now. I'm not a Microsoft basher, but I would give a lot to see his face when he heard about this collaboration. :)

Comment by Abdulkadir Topal at October 5, 2005 09:24 PM | Permalink

I found your comments to be very interesting. We can never keep up with all that is going on. For example who would have ever thought Apple and Intel would be working together. On another side note, I’m one of the beta testers for a new browser. It can be found here; The company is looking for others to test it out as well so download it and give them some feedback.

Comment by Dan at October 6, 2005 12:48 AM | Permalink

Henrik Gemal,

I'm a big fan of yours.

I first visited your site via a link about your cool BrowserSpy tests.

I recently noticed via Planet Mozilla that you are somehow affaliated with their projects.

I use your Launchy extension and just noticed that the about panel in Launchy 4.0.1 still displays "Launchy 4.0.0".

Just a minor bug.

Thanks for making a great extension!



Comment by Frank at October 6, 2005 11:11 PM | Permalink

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