February 2006 Entries
Reliby - Reload all Live Bookmarks extension
My latest extension Reliby was made because of a request from a colleague of mine. Mr KimBlim had the problem that when he starts Firefox while being offline and then connects, his live bookmarks didn't load because of being offline at start. So he needed an extension to force reload of all his live bookmarks and Reliby was born.
Reliby is short for Reload all Live Bookmarks. The y is added to conform with my other extensions like Linky, Launchy, Slashy and Closy
In Firefox, Live Bookmarks are automatically updated every 30 minutes. That's alright for most times, but sometimes it's nice to force reload them.
And Reliby does just that. It reloads all of your Live Bookmarks with a push of a button.
Reliby can be accessed by adding a button to your toolbar or by using Bookmarks > Reload Live Bookmarks
Note: Reliby does not work with Live Bookmarks in Places since the API is completely changed.
Inside Look: Internet Explorer 7, Beta 2
WindowsDevCenter.com have taken a inside look at Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2. It looks a bit like Firefox but it has some nice features that I like to see in Firefox.
Last year, I wrote a preview of IE 7 Beta 1 when Microsoft released Windows Vista Beta 1. Since then, six months have passed and the IE 7 team has released the second beta of IE 7. This IE 7 Beta 2 Preview is the first public beta designed for IT pros and developers, and it especially targets Windows XP SP2 users. IT pros and developers can use this beta preview to test their toolbars and ActiveX controls. But what about end users? In this article, I will update you on the features in IE 7 Beta 2 and what has changed since the last beta preview. Overall, I am happy with the new Beta 2 of IE 7. I have been using it for the past few days and it works quite well (it has crashed on me only once). Give it a spin and see if it works well for you.
New installation system for Firefox 2
Robert Strong and Benjamin Smedberg are working on a new installation system for Firefox 2 which will be significantly less complex and easier to maintain than the current XPInstall-based system. This install system will produce both a full installer and a stub installer. Both the full and stub installers will be QAed and treated as "official" builds. The proposal is to make the stub installer the default download available from mozilla.com. The stub installer has the added advantage that it can ship a single stub installer for all languages and select the correct locale files to download at runtime. Of course the full installer would still be available, and especially useful for system administrators and others who want to make an installer available locally.
TDC udvikler speciel sikkerhedskomponent til Digital Signatur i Firefox
I flere tilfælde har brugere af Firefox ikke udført installationen af Digital Signatur korrekt, og derfor udvikler TDC i samarbejde med Videnskabsministeriet nu en speciel sikkerhedskomponent til Firefox. Digital Signatur fungerer glimrende sammen med den gratis browser, hvis brugerne vel at mærke følger TDC's vejledninger og får indstillet en sikker aktiveringskode i Firefox.
Nogle af de nye brugere af Firefox har haft vanskeligt ved at følge vejledningerne for opsætning af personlig aktiveringskode for signaturen. I de tilfælde er sikkerheden ikke optimal, og med tanke på det stigende antal brugere af Firefox-browseren har vi besluttet at udvikle en sikkerhedskomponent specielt til Firefox, siger Morten Storm Petersen, der er TDC-ansvarlig for Digital Signatur. Komponenten, kaldet PKCS#11, ventes færdig om nogle måneder.
Indtil da kan Firefox-brugere selv kontrollere, om deres personlige aktiveringskode er sat rigtigt op. Det kan gøres på digitalsignatur.dk, hvor man går ind på en af de tjenester, som understøtter Digital Signatur-login. Alt er ok, hvis man bliver bedt om at indtaste aktiveringskoden. Alternativt kan man følge TDC's vejledning til installation af signaturen.
Microsoft Exec Talks IE7, RSS
Following a decision to release a standalone version of IE7, browser development at Microsoft has come fast and furious. BetaNews this week sat down with Gary Schare, Director of IE Product Management, to discuss the changes coming in IE7, Firefox's growth, and how Microsoft will bring RSS to the mainstream. When BetaNews last spoke to Schare in late 2004, he explained why Microsoft had no plans to add features like tabbed browsing directly into Internet Explorer or update its CSS support. After much feedback, things changed in early 2005. With a standalone IE7 now feature-complete, Schare delves into the reasoning and gives us a look at what to expect when the browser is released later this year.
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Firefox 2.0 To Stress Tab, Bookmark, Extension Changes
"IE 7 is a pretty good catch-up," said Mike Schroepfer, Mozilla's vice president of engineering. "But it does some funny things with tabs and the UI that I don't understand why they did it.". Firefox 2.0's development roadmap lists the main feature updates and additions, and their priorities. Among those at the top are redesigns of the browser's bookmark and history system, security enhancements to extensions, the popular plug-ins, search engine improvements, and changes to the tab-based user interface.
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Check out Firefox 2 features
Firefox 2.0 To Stress Tab, Bookmark, Extension Changes
"IE 7 is a pretty good catch-up," said Mike Schroepfer, Mozilla's vice president of engineering. "But it does some funny things with tabs and the UI that I don't understand why they did it.". Firefox 2.0's development roadmap lists the main feature updates and additions, and their priorities. Among those at the top are redesigns of the browser's bookmark and history system, security enhancements to extensions, the popular plug-ins, search engine improvements, and changes to the tab-based user interface.
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Check out Firefox 2 features
Firefox Finds Cracking the Corporate Market to Be a Challenge
The Boeing Co. has been discreetly providing feedback to the Mozilla Foundation for the past year or so on features that might encourage enterprise adoption of the open-source Firefox browser. At the top of the list has been a tool kit to help IT departments distribute Firefox with custom configurations to end users. The Chicago-based aerospace company had good reason to express interest in such a tool. Last August, Boeing made Firefox one of its corporate Web browser standards alongside Microsoft Corp.'s Internet Explorer (IE) and a version of Netscape Navigator that is being sunsetted. Although Boeing hasn't deployed Firefox wide-scale and couldn't provide an estimate of the browser's usage within the company, the corporate standard decision sets it apart from most of its peers.
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