April 2006 Entries

New version of Reliby (Reload all Live Bookmarks) released

Reliby - Reload all Live BookmarksReliby is a Mozilla extension that provides you with Reload all Live Bookmarks functionality. You can access it using by adding a button to your toolbar. Live bookmarks are RSS feeds inside your browser.

Version 1.1.0 of Reliby has been released and it now supports Places. Places is one of the big new features that will make it into Firefox 2.0. It will replace the History and Bookmarks features - the former keeping a log of pages you have visited in the past, and the latter being pages that the user has bookmarked for whatever reason, either because they are pages that the user visits regularly (favourite pages) or something interesting that the user would like to look at later. Places uses SQLite.

April 07, 2006 11:24 AM | Permalink | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks
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