March 2007 Entries
Joost nu med DR
Som man har kunnet læse i de danske nyhedsmedier har Joost indgået en aftale med DR om at gøre programmer tilgængeligt på Joost. Pt er det kun DRs magasinprogrammer "Penge" og "Kontant" der kan ses, men DR lover at i fremtiden vil flere danske programmer finder vej til Joost.
Det interessante ved den nye tjeneste fra Danmarks Radios synsvinkel er, at Joost gør brug af peer-to-peer-teknologi, som er kendt fra Kazaa og Skype. Det vil sige, at alle brugerne bidrager til, at forbindelsen og kvaliteten er i top. Det kan blive en hjælpende hånd til DR, der er blevet kritiseret for, at alt for få kan benytte statsradiofoniens web-tv på samme tidspunkt.
Get Joost!
I've got two Joost tokens left. So if you would like to test Joost, send me an email at spam at gemal dot dk and I'll invite you. But only if you're fast! Remeber to thank me :)
Update: All invites are gone!
What is Joost?
Joost is a new way of watching TV on the internet, which uses new and established technologies to provide the best of both the internet and TV worlds. We're in the process of making it as TV-like as we can, with programmes, channels and adverts. You can also see some things that we think will enhance the TV experience: searching for programmes and channels, for example, as well as social features like chat. There are many more new features to come!
Endnu et Samsung fladskærms TV
Nu var tiden kommet til at TV'et i stuen skulle skiftes ud. Det store gamle Grundig Elegance 28" er blevet flyttet op i sommerhuset.
Da vi allerede har et Samsung fladskærm TV og er utroligt glade for det, så bestemte vi os ret tidligt for at det nye TV også skulle være et Samsung. Og da konen fik lov til at bestemme at TV'et skulle være hvidt, således det passede ind i stuens øvrige farver, satte det jo antallet af valg markant ned. Der var faktisk kun en model som vi kunne vælge, nemlig LE32R71 serien. Og da vi gerne ville have et 32" TV var valget jo nemt. Det blev således et Samsung LE32R71W. Og som Kenne sagde "If it does't fly with the miss's, it doesn't fly at all.
Samsung LE32R71W er et HD forberedt TV med dynamisk kontrast på 5000:1, 10 bits signalbehandling og 12,8 milliarder farver, 8 ms. responstid og lysstyrke på 500 cd/m2. Det har desuden HDMI- og PC-indgang. Se flere specifikationer.
TV'et blev købt hos Befro da jeg sparede ca. kr 1.000,- i forhold til hvis jeg skulle have købt det i Fona. Befro leverede desuden fragtfrit. Jeg bestilte TV'et kl. ca. 15 og næste dag kl 10, stod pakkeposten med TV'et. Nice!
Ligesom sidst undgik jeg de superdyre Vogels beslag og valgte at købe et fra Multibrackets.
My new mobile phone is a Sony Ericsson P990i
My Sony Ericsson K700i mobile phone was dying. The internal joystick wasn't working anymore. This is one of the most common problems on these phones. Furthermore the phone sometimes rebooted when receiving a call. A nice feature if you don't want to talk to the one that's calling but not very nice in general.
So I borrowed a HP iPAQ hw6515 Mobile Messenger Pocket PC Phone. My first impression was: a nice phone with a lot of features. It had build in GPS and a full QWERT keyboard. But the more I used the phone the more I disliked it. First of all it was slow as hell. Switching from PDA mode into phone mode, when the phone rang, could take up to 5 seconds. That's a long time waiting for to be able to pick up the phone. The GPS was a bit slow on getting the initial satellite connection, but that could be due to the lack of SiFR chip. Otherwise the GPS was actually ok. I was running TomTom Navigator 6. Battery lifetime was also very short. Had to recharge the phone everyday. A feature I really missed was a build in radio. All in all not a very good phone. Windows is bad enough and Windows in phone is even worse.
After looking through the marked I decided the my new phone should be a Sony Ericsson P990i. It's a 3G phone packed with cool features. It has Wireless LAN support. So when I'm at home I connect it to my Linksys WRT54G using WPA2. It also has a radio built in, so I can listen to my favorite station, DR P1. I bought a 2GB Memory Stick PRO Duo so that I can download my favorite podcasts and listen to them when I go to Århus. I use Nimiq to download my podcasts. The user interface of the phone is UIQ 3 and it's has Symbian OS v9.1 as operating system. See more specs on the phone.
All in all a nice phone. You have to get used to the user interface, since it's very different than ordinary phones. And remember to update the phone firmware using Sony Ericsson Update Service.
New network drive
Since I bought my 320GB external harddrive I've missed a couple of features. Don't get me wrong. The 320GB Western Digital MyBook Premium is a cool product and it has worked perfectly. But since I have a laptop and a docking station, the external harddrive was attached to my docking station. That meant that when I was sitting in the living room with my laptop, I had no access to my external harddrive, because it was attached to the docking station in the office. So I started looking around for a new solution. And a network attached storage (NAS) seemed to fit my requirements.
So now I'm the happy owner of a Buffalo LinkStation Pro. It's a 320GB network attached storage drive. It has build in FTP server and is using a SATA drive. The drive is now attached to my router and it has worked perfectly. I've mapped the drives from my Windows PC and can now access the drives from anywhere.
So what happened to my other 320GB drive? I sold it to a colleague.
Read and write support for Google Calendar checked in
A very nice checkin has just hit the Mozilla source code. Support for read and write of Google Calendar. So now both Lightning and Sunbird has support for Google Calendar. Please note that the support currently is minimal but it's being worked on. It's being build as an extension.
And no, I dont know where to get this extension. I dont think it's getting build right now. So you have to wait for more information.
Så kom Mads til verden
Grunden til at denne blog har ligget stille et et stykke tid er at jeg er blevet far. Hurra hurra!
Onsdag den 31 januar 2007 kl 03:29 blev jeg far til en lille dreng, Mads Gemal. Noget jeg har ventet på i et godt stykke tid. Lige så svær som han var at få ind, lige så svær var han at få ud. Vi tog således den store fødselspakke. Først så gennemgik Nina næsten en helt almindelig fødsel, for til aller sidst at måtte få hjælp af et kejsersnit, da hans hoved lå lidt skråt. Men det blev en velskabt dreng og alle har det godt.
Til de teknisk interreserede, så vejede han 2950g og målte 53cm.
Tro mod dagens internetkultur, så har han fået sin egen hjemmeside på
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