February 2003 Entries
Software Updates
Software that I use that got updated in the last few days...:
- UltraEdit v10.00a
- SecureCRT v4.0.4
- Total Commander v5.51
- jv16 PowerTools v1.3.0.196
JRE (Java Runtime Environment) version 1.4.1_02
Java 2 Runtime Environment version 1.4.1_02 has been released.
So if you dont have Java in your Mozilla this is the one you have to install.
Mozilla Checkins
Important/interesting checkins today:
- navigator.mimeTypes object does not include helper apps (but includes plugins)
- Add support for Elliptic Curve Cryptography to NSS & SSL
Law of Software Envelopment
Every program attempts to expand until it can read mail. Those programs which cannot so expand are replaced by ones which can.
Another cool Mozilla feature is about to be checked in:
XUL extensions in your profile directory
If you run a nightly build of Mozilla you can now check and see which build options was used to build your Mozilla.
Type about:buildconfig in the Location and hit enter.
Installed Certificates
You can now get a list of Installed Certificates from BrowserSpy if you're running Internet Explorer.
Privacy to the ultimate test
Follow Mozilla Development
If you're interested in the development of Mozilla and want to know how the opensource project is coming along here are some of the best resources:
- Daily CVS Checkins at Mozilla.org
- Bug fixing overview
- Links to bugs referenced in cvs checkins to the Mozilla trunk
- Bugs reported today
- Mozilla Patch Landing Tool
- Mozilla Roles and Responsibilities
JavaScript in Mac Browsers
How well do Mac browsers handle JavaScript?. Mozilla rocks!
Mozilla 1.2.1 executed every script, though it had one minor bug in the DHTML test. Its ability to import XML files makes it unique on the platform.
The following browsers, all running on Mac OS 10.2.1 were tested:
- Explorer 5.2
- iCab Preview 2.8.2
- Mozilla 1.2.1
- OmniWeb 4.1
- Opera 6.0
- Safari 1.0 beta (v60)
PC Suite for Nokia 7650 v1.2
PC Suite for Nokia 7650 version 1.2 is out.
These are some of the new features in version 1.2.0:
- Windows XP is now supported
- Microsoft Outlook XP synchronization is now supported
New splash screen for Mozilla
A new splash screen is going into Mozilla. For more info see bug 194291.
Depressing Mozilla stats
Some stats from the browser market:
1. Microsoft IE 6.0 = 60.2.6%
2. Microsoft IE 5.5 = 16.8%
3. Microsoft IE 5.0 = 16.4%
4. Mozilla 1 = 1.2%
5. Netscape Navigator 4.0 = 1.0%
6. Microsoft IE 4.0 = 0.9%
7. Opera 6.0 = 0.7%
On Google Zeitgeist Mozilla based browsers are now also showed.
Gecko, Mozilla, Netscape overview
Learn which versions of Mozilla the various browsers are based on.
You can also get the old old old Netscape products.
You can also view your own Gecko version.
Internet Explorer 7.0 will be based on Gecko!
He, he, he...
Internet Explorer 7.0 will be based on Gecko!
Microsoft Corporation (Nasdaq: MSFT) announced yesterday that the next release of Internet Explorer will use Gecko as its rendering engine.
Cool Mozilla stuff
If you're a web developer you have to be running Mozilla. But with these addons Mozilla is even cooler:
- LiveHTTPHeaders
- Linky
The Mystery of Capital
Just finished reading The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else.
A really really good book. It describes the developing world's economic problems.
The greatest source of failure n the Third World and ex-communist countries is the lack of a rule of law that upholds private property and provides a framework for enterprices. This makes it impossible to turn assets from "dead" into "liquid" capital.
Netscape 7.02
Netscape 7.02 released. Read the Release Notes for much more info.
What's new:
- Enhanced security
- Improved stability
- New Macromedia Flash 6 r65 plugin for Windows
- New Java 1.4.0_03 plugin for Windows
I still prefer Mozilla as my browser.
Cryptographic Service Provider add to BrowserSpy
Certificate CSP (Cryptographic Service Provider) Information added to BrowserSpy.
This will show the installed Cryptographic Service Providers. It only works in Internet Explorer.
OpenOffice.org 1.1 Beta
Milestone 1 of OpenOffice is now available to download.
OpenOffice is a international office suite that will run on all major platforms and provide access to all functionality and data through open-component based APIs and an XML-based file format.
Microsoft Office be gone!
Encrypted mail...?
If you want to send me encrypted mail get my Digital ID
Machine learning to autocomplete in Mozilla
You have all used the autocomplete feature in Mozilla.
You type "www.m" in the url bar and Mozilla shows you a list of urls that match. In other words, Mozilla "autocompleted" the url for you. If the url you want is in the dropdown list, you can select it and avoid typing out the whole url manually.
Unfortunately, the autocomplete list is often totally useless. A more "intelligent" Mozilla would recognize what you are doing, and act to help you.
Now you can help!
Read about the project
Read this Bugzilla bug for more background on this project.
SOAP information
Just added SOAP Information to BrowserSpy. You can now test if your browser supports SOAP.
The lizard is free once again
The best browser just got better! Mozilla 1.3b is out. Mozilla 1.3b Release Notes
What's new:
- Image auto sizing
- Junk-mail classification
- Dynamically switch profiles
- about:config is now editable
- Many bug fixes
Rich text editing control in Mozilla
Mozilla IMAP just got better
One of the problem I've got in Mozilla was that I kept getting "Folder does not exist" when using IMAP. This was due to the namespace pref getting corrupted. This has just been fixed.
James Bond
If you seen the new James Bond movie Die Another Day you noticed the invisible car. Is it fiction?
Japanese scientist invents 'invisibility cloak'
How does your site look in Mozilla under Linux? Here's your chance to see without installing Linux or Mozilla.
An introduction to XPCOM
Read about XPCOM over at IBM DeveloperWorks:
XPCOM is a lightweight cross platform COM work-alike. It provides interfaces, factories, reference counting, QueryInterface based 'casting', auto pointers, and various other useful stuff. It is the foundation for modularity in Mozilla.
Part 1: An introduction to XPCOM
Part 2: XPCOM component basics
Part 3: Setting up XPCOM
Part 4: Component development
Part 5: The grand finale
Danish news
TDC skal lave digitale signaturer. Og de er klar om en måned.
Der er hul midt i spanden (igen). Så brug dog en ordenlig browser!
Why Mozilla Calendar just dont do it
It's a sad day, but I had to replace Mozilla Calendar with Microsoft Outlook or should I say LookOut!
Mozilla Calendar problems:
- Missing print calendar option
- Missing Microsoft Exchange integration
- Nokia PC Suite (for my 7650) can only sync with Microsoft Outlook
- UI. Mozilla Calendar is made for engineers, Outlook for users
- Integration with Address Book, like birthdays etc
Still using Mozilla as my primary browser and mail application. Mozilla still rocks!
Nokia 7650 links and stuff...
I'm still playing around with my Nokia 7650.
A really nice phone.
Here are some links for Nokia 7650 users:
- Nokia 7650 Software
- Symbian Series 60 (7650) info
- SymbianOS FAQ
- Epocware software
- More cool software...
ICQ dropped. Miranda installed!
Miranda version 0.2 released! Just uninstalled ICQ and got Miranda! Love it. It got server side contact lists and can talk to both ICQ, MSN, YAHOO and others. It also got a lot of cool settings!
Show Organization in msg pane
If you like to be able to see the "Organization" header in the message pane of Mozilla you can add the following pref to your prefs.js file:
user_pref("mailnews.headers.showOrganization", true);
To show the UserAgent add this:
user_pref("mailnews.headers.showUserAgent", true);
Remember to completly exit Mozilla before editing your prefs.js file.
Todays links
Mozilla Customization
If you want to move your Mozilla profile, check out this page. I'm currently doing a webinterface for those scripts. Stay tuned!
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